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The Literacy Source Story

Literacy Source makes it possible for adults to gain the basic literacy skills they need in order to succeed in school, to find a job, to achieve life goals, and to create a better, more hopeful future.



At the heart of our work is teaching adult learners to read, write, and do basic math. That's because proficiency in these areas is a game-changer for people who are otherwise unable to attain employment, thrive in school, gain citizenship, and pursue other life opportunities. Learn more about why literacy matters.

With a strong professional staff and 200 volunteers, Literacy Source provided over 46,000 hours of small group and individualized instruction for 882 adult learners..


Our learners range in age from 19 to 90 speak 68 different languages and represent over 50 nations. They come to Literacy Source to learn, to achieve, and to live a better life. 




Literacy Source partners with adults working to gain skills and education to create new opportunities for themselves, their families, and the community.


Abstract Architecture



We envision an inclusive and equitable society providing education and opportunities for all adults.




Hours of Operation

Monday and Wednesday | 8am-3pm

Tuesday and Thursday | 8:30am-3pm

Friday | By Appointment Only

Hours may change based on academic calendar

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Site Design by LECK INC.ā€‹ā€‹

Literacy Source

12360 Lake City Way N.E. Suite #301 

Seattle, WA 98125


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