Voluntariado con Literacy Source

Los voluntarios desempeƱan un papel importante al ayudarnos a apoyar a los estudiantes en sus esfuerzos por lograr la alfabetizaciĆ³n, mejorar sus habilidades lingĆ¼Ćsticas, su ciudadanĆa, sus mejores empleos y sus mejores vidas.āā
En Literacy Source creemos:
La riqueza de habilidades, talentos, ideas y recursos que aportan los voluntarios proporciona un entorno que mejora la capacidad de los estudiantes para aprender.
Crear una relaciĆ³n de confianza entre voluntarios y estudiantes es invaluable para el Ć©xito de nuestra misiĆ³n.
Un ambiente Ćŗtil y educativo, formaciĆ³n continua y apoyo benefician las necesidades de los voluntarios y su propio crecimiento personal.

InscrĆbase para asistir a nuestra OrientaciĆ³n para nuevos voluntarios (NVO, por sus siglas en inglĆ©s) que se lleva a cabo a travĆ©s de Zoom el primer miĆ©rcoles de cada mes. La orientaciĆ³n dura aproximadamente 1 hora y brinda informaciĆ³n sobre Literacy Source, nuestros estudiantes, programas y oportunidades de voluntariado.
Puede comunicarse con nuestra Gerente del Programa de Voluntarios, Caroline, por correo electrĆ³nico o telĆ©fono (206-782-2050) si tiene alguna pregunta.
Horas pasadas en el aula

Oportunidades de voluntariado
Dependiendo de sus intereses, habilidades y disponibilidad, hay una variedad de oportunidades disponibles en lĆnea y en persona:
TutorĆa individual para estudiantes en lectura y escritura, matemĆ”ticas, ESOL, ciudadanĆa, habilidades laborales o preparaciĆ³n para el GED.
Los asistentes de clase apoyan a una clase de 6 a 12 estudiantes ayudĆ”ndolos con lectura y escritura, ESOL, ciudadanĆa o habilidades de alfabetizaciĆ³n digital.
Realizar entrevistas de prĆ”ctica de ciudadanĆa individuales a los solicitantes de naturalizaciĆ³n.

TutorĆa individualizada para estudiantes en lectura y escritura, matemĆ”ticas, ESOL, ciudadanĆa, habilidades laborales, alfabetizaciĆ³n digital o preparaciĆ³n para el GED.
Los asistentes de clase apoyan a una clase de 8 a 20 estudiantes ayudĆ”ndolos con lectura y escritura, matemĆ”ticas, ESOL, ciudadanĆa, habilidades laborales, alfabetizaciĆ³n digital o preparaciĆ³n para el GED.
Los compaƱeros de conversaciĆ³n ayudan a los estudiantes a practicar su inglĆ©s en grupos pequeƱos.
Realizar entrevistas de prĆ”ctica de ciudadanĆa individuales a los solicitantes de naturalizaciĆ³n.

TutorĆa individualizada para estudiantes en lectura y escritura, matemĆ”ticas, ESOL, ciudadanĆa, habilidades laborales, alfabetizaciĆ³n digital o preparaciĆ³n para el GED.
Los asistentes de clase apoyan a una clase de 8 a 20 estudiantes ayudĆ”ndolos con lectura y escritura, matemĆ”ticas, ESOL, ciudadanĆa, habilidades laborales, alfabetizaciĆ³n digital o preparaciĆ³n para el GED.
Los compaƱeros de conversaciĆ³n ayudan a los estudiantes a practicar su inglĆ©s en grupos pequeƱos.
Realizar entrevistas de prĆ”ctica de ciudadanĆa individuales a los solicitantes de naturalizaciĆ³n.

TutorĆa individualizada para estudiantes en lectura y escritura, matemĆ”ticas, ESOL, ciudadanĆa, habilidades laborales, alfabetizaciĆ³n digital o preparaciĆ³n para el GED.
Los asistentes de clase apoyan a una clase de 8 a 20 estudiantes ayudĆ”ndolos con lectura y escritura, matemĆ”ticas, ESOL, ciudadanĆa, habilidades laborales, alfabetizaciĆ³n digital o preparaciĆ³n para el GED.
Los compaƱeros de conversaciĆ³n ayudan a los estudiantes a practicar su inglĆ©s en grupos pequeƱos.
Realizar entrevistas de prĆ”ctica de ciudadanĆa individuales a los solicitantes de naturalizaciĆ³n.

Preguntas frecuentes sobre voluntariado
ĀæCuĆ”l es el compromiso del voluntariado?Tutoring: We ask tutors to commit to working with a student for at least six continuous months. This allows you to really get to know your learner and develop a good working relationship which greatly benefits a studentās capacity to learn and will be a more valuable experience for you as a volunteer. Class Assistants: We ask for a commitment of 2 terms (approximately 6 months). Teaching any new class has an introductory period and it will take at least a term or two to feel confident with class and curriculum. Check the Literacy Source Class Google Drive for the current term calendar and class schedule.
ĀæExisten oportunidades de voluntariado que requieran menos compromiso?Yes! Volunteering as a Conversation Partner requires an online commitment of one hour, once per week. during term time. As a Citizenship Practice Interviewer you volunteer as needed, either in-person or online, once or twice a term for approx. an hour.
ĀæSus oportunidades de voluntariado son remotas o en persona?We offer both remote and in-person opportunities. Please attend a New Volunteer Orientation to find out more.
Nunca he enseƱado antes, ĀæquĆ© formaciĆ³n ofrecĆ©is?Literacy Source provides online training to all volunteers. Depending on which position you are interested in we ask you to complete 8-12 hours of required training before starting. We encourage you to participate in many other training opportunities throughout your volunteer service with Literacy Source. All trainings are free and are open to all current Literacy Source volunteers. Check our Volunteer Trainings page for a list of online trainings.
ĀæCuĆ”l es el proceso para conseguir un estudiante?After your orientation, interview, and pre-service training, when a suitable student becomes available you will receive an email with information about the prospective student match. Students are selected based on shared availability, the interests and preferences you indicated during your volunteer interview, and the student priorities and needs. The studentās advisor will schedule a match meeting during which you and the student will get acquainted, set a schedule, agree on a tutoring contract, and begin discussing what you would like to work on together.
ĀæCuĆ”nto apoyo recibirĆ© como tutor?In addition to the foundational trainings, when you are matched with a student you will meet with their instructional advisor who teaches their class. The advisor will provide you with teaching materials and be your main resource and support while you are tutoring. You will be invited to observe the class and to a class tutor cohort meeting once a term. These meetings provide an opportunity to meet with the class instructor and fellow tutors to discuss ideas and receive support. Literacy Source advisors are always available as a resource for help with lesson planning, library materials, and online resources.
ĀæCuĆ”nto duran los tĆ©rminos de Literacy Source?We are on a quarter system; terms are usually 10 - 12 weeks long with a 2 - 3 week break in-between, when we register new students. Check the Literacy Source Class Google Drive for the current term calendar.
ĀæQuĆ© tan grandes son las clases en Literacy Source?Class sizes vary but usually they are around 20 students for both in-person and online classes.
ĀæPuedo observar clases antes de comenzar el voluntariado?Yes! After attending an orientation and interview, we encourage you to observe any class you are interested in. You can view the current class schedule on the Literacy Source Google Drive.
ĀæQuĆ© pasa si quiero irme de vacaciones o necesito tomarme un dĆa libre?If you are tutoring, you will manage your schedule with your student giving as much notice as you can about upcoming breaks. If you are assisting in a class we ask that you try to arrange your vacations to align with our term breaks but realize this is not always possible. For this reason, we have often have two class assistants in the class to cover days off and vacations.
ĀæDĆ³nde puedo estacionar?There is a free parking in the lot behind the AKIN building, (enter from 32nd Ave NE). You may also park in any of the angled spaces on the south on the building (please do not park in the Jalisco lot).
ĀæExiste un lĆmite de edad para ser voluntario?As our students are all adults, we ask that our volunteers be over the age of 18.
Capacitaciones de voluntariado en lĆnea
Literacy Source estĆ” comprometido con su Ć©xito como voluntario brindĆ”ndole capacitaciĆ³n durante todo su servicio voluntario.
A todos los voluntarios se les pide que participen en aproximadamente 10 horas de capacitaciĆ³n gratuita en lĆnea durante los primeros 2 meses de voluntariado. Se les recomienda que reciban capacitaciĆ³n continua durante todo el servicio voluntario.
ĀæCuĆ”l es el compromiso del voluntariado?Tutoring: We ask tutors to commit to working with a student for at least six continuous months. This allows you to really get to know your learner and develop a good working relationship which greatly benefits a studentās capacity to learn and will be a more valuable experience for you as a volunteer. Class Assistants: We ask for a commitment of 2 terms (approximately 6 months). Teaching any new class has an introductory period and it will take at least a term or two to feel confident with class and curriculum. Check the Literacy Source Class Google Drive for the current term calendar and class schedule.
ĀæExisten oportunidades de voluntariado que requieran menos compromiso?Yes! Volunteering as a Conversation Partner requires an online commitment of one hour, once per week. during term time. As a Citizenship Practice Interviewer you volunteer as needed, either in-person or online, once or twice a term for approx. an hour.
ĀæSus oportunidades de voluntariado son remotas o en persona?We offer both remote and in-person opportunities. Please attend a New Volunteer Orientation to find out more.
Nunca he enseƱado antes, ĀæquĆ© formaciĆ³n ofrecĆ©is?Literacy Source provides online training to all volunteers. Depending on which position you are interested in we ask you to complete 8-12 hours of required training before starting. We encourage you to participate in many other training opportunities throughout your volunteer service with Literacy Source. All trainings are free and are open to all current Literacy Source volunteers. Check our Volunteer Trainings page for a list of online trainings.
ĀæCuĆ”l es el proceso para conseguir un estudiante?After your orientation, interview, and pre-service training, when a suitable student becomes available you will receive an email with information about the prospective student match. Students are selected based on shared availability, the interests and preferences you indicated during your volunteer interview, and the student priorities and needs. The studentās advisor will schedule a match meeting during which you and the student will get acquainted, set a schedule, agree on a tutoring contract, and begin discussing what you would like to work on together.
ĀæCuĆ”nto apoyo recibirĆ© como tutor?In addition to the foundational trainings, when you are matched with a student you will meet with their instructional advisor who teaches their class. The advisor will provide you with teaching materials and be your main resource and support while you are tutoring. You will be invited to observe the class and to a class tutor cohort meeting once a term. These meetings provide an opportunity to meet with the class instructor and fellow tutors to discuss ideas and receive support. Literacy Source advisors are always available as a resource for help with lesson planning, library materials, and online resources.
ĀæCuĆ”nto duran los tĆ©rminos de Literacy Source?We are on a quarter system; terms are usually 10 - 12 weeks long with a 2 - 3 week break in-between, when we register new students. Check the Literacy Source Class Google Drive for the current term calendar.
ĀæQuĆ© tan grandes son las clases en Literacy Source?Class sizes vary but usually they are around 20 students for both in-person and online classes.
ĀæPuedo observar clases antes de comenzar el voluntariado?Yes! After attending an orientation and interview, we encourage you to observe any class you are interested in. You can view the current class schedule on the Literacy Source Google Drive.
ĀæQuĆ© pasa si quiero irme de vacaciones o necesito tomarme un dĆa libre?If you are tutoring, you will manage your schedule with your student giving as much notice as you can about upcoming breaks. If you are assisting in a class we ask that you try to arrange your vacations to align with our term breaks but realize this is not always possible. For this reason, we have often have two class assistants in the class to cover days off and vacations.
ĀæDĆ³nde puedo estacionar?There is a free parking in the lot behind the AKIN building, (enter from 32nd Ave NE). You may also park in any of the angled spaces on the south on the building (please do not park in the Jalisco lot).
ĀæExiste un lĆmite de edad para ser voluntario?As our students are all adults, we ask that our volunteers be over the age of 18.
Archivo de boletines informativos para voluntarios