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Empleos en Literacy Source

No hay vacantes actualmente.

This position will be part of the Literacy Source instructional advisor pool and is responsible for teaching Adult Foundational Education classes to native English speakers or English language learners. The position may provide training and support for volunteer instructors if teaching at the Lake City learning center or curriculum development and/or partnership management in coordination with community partners. 


Part-time or Full-time for Spring Quarter.


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Horario de atención

Lunes y miércoles | 8:00 a 15:00 horas

Martes y Jueves | 8:30am-3pm

Viernes | Solo con cita previa

Los horarios pueden cambiar según el calendario académico.

Derechos de autor 2024, Literacy Source, todos los derechos reservados

Diseño del sitio por LECK INC.

Literacy Source

Calle 125 NE 3200

Seattle, Washington 98125


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